Creator & Owner

Lord Hermes


I began life in a noble family before the collapse of the Underworld. I showed martial potential and was named an officer in service to the Queen. By the time of the cataclysm I was the Commander of a Battalion. It was my privilege to lead my comrades, and my sorrowful honor to bury too many under my command. The refugees we helped shepherd to a safer world in Ter Mur left an indelible mark on me, but so too did those we were not able to help. The former stirred pride, while the latter spawned pain. Ensuring my battalion was in good hands, I petitioned the Queen, and she gave me leave to make my way outside of the wars, but would recall me if needed.

I became a merchant, buying and selling rare items from the broader world. I met the Lady Dark Mist as she was searching my land for Fairy Salmon, and she offered to take me on her ship the Dawn Treader. I learned some trades from her shipmates as we traveled from port to port, and became quite skilled in a few of them, all the while using my training as a Mystic to imbue what I created with greater powers so that those who would be using them to fight would have a better chance of returning. While I left command, I always found myself focused on preparing others. Organize, train, and equip. I enjoyed creating sets of armor that would enable fast training and growth, as well as customized sets imbued almost to the point of magical madness for those going to battle the strongest foes. Between trading and crafting, I made a fair fortune, and wanted to create a place of respite, both for myself and others in the wider world who needed a sanctuary. As the Lady Dark Mist and I were traveling from Trinsic to Jhelom, I spotted a peninsula off the starboard bow that I immediately knew was perfect, and there I built my Sanctuary with her help.

My mace, the symbol of my authority, is still unblemished, for it was never my task to join the fray. I have hung it up by the grace of the Queen, though I may be recalled in the future. Until such time, it will remain hanging on the wall of the Sanctuary, ready as ever to rain destruction in the effort that all others can be unburdened by such a task, in Peace.