Not all the Green Company’s brethren are cultured, high-born, or raised in orderly monasteries. The men and women of the scouts are generally of low-born, rugged aspect. These members are forged from the shadows of the frontier or the hazardous alleys of city slums, primarily from humbler stock—trappers, smugglers, beastmasters, ruffians, and even ex-criminals seeking second chances serving the greater good. Despite being educated in courage and justice, years of survival via cunning and guile heavily determine character.

Scouts thrive on individualism rather than protocol, demonstrating an aversion to military conformity. Years of cultivating self-sufficiency also create expert guides who establish superior camps and secure game and clean water when lances are moving through unfamiliar territory. They attach to light infantry or archers in open conflict based on their skill set. During covert operations, ex-thieves and spies lead infiltrations into enemy camps and fortifications to gather intelligence and thwart the opponent’s intentions.

Scout irreverence frequently tests the patience of the order’s more authoritarian officers, but they regularly produce excellent results through unconventional initiative. They believe pragmatism, rather than principles, is more likely to win battles. Some heroes take the field in glory, while others ensure that the fight occurs only on their terms, if at all. Many conflicts are avoided entirely due to the scout’s behind-the-scenes work.

The order embraces and supports those who genuinely seek salvation through good service. Although scout tactics and attitudes may not always coincide with those of the principled command structure, no one can deny their effectiveness and importance to the objectives of the order.

Scout Professional Leadership Roleplay Aspects

Recruitment – Senior scouts and others may seek recruits to replenish losses through inevitable attrition. Recruiters for the order’s scouts typically seek out independent woods folk and hunters with prior outdoor survival experience in annual forest competitions that test various areas of survival, stalking, and stealth. Furthermore, people with less reputable backgrounds, such as poachers, thieves, spies, smugglers, and brigands, often come to the attention of senior scouts during their operations. Provided they display cleverness, judgment, and newly discovered but genuine conviction during covert field trials, these people can sometimes be turned into valuable assets, serving the order’s interests abroad. After minimal further training, these natural survivalists thrive at leading wildland patrols, hunting, and tracking, while the reformed rogues excel at spying, infiltration, and espionage. Together, the unique pool of scouting talent supports intelligence objectives through unorthodox knowledge.

  1. Scouts acquire intelligence about threats by infiltrating enemy camps in disguise and spying on troop movements.
  2. They undermine their opponent’s supply lines and equipment to disrupt war plans before confrontations with the order.
  3. They obtain wild game while on patrol or campaign by hunting, trapping, and foraging to provide nourishment and potable water for their lance mates.
  4. They direct lance patrols along forest paths during foul weather when main thoroughfares are impassable.
  5. As archers, they snipe high-value targets and often muster with the archers during large-scale battles.
  6. They train beasts and manage animal partners who help them with surveillance and sentry duty around camp or during battle.
  7. When not on field assignments, scouts with medical skills aid chaplains during times of need in healing injured troops and civilians. Skilled healers will also seek them out to acquire medicinal herbs in the nearby countryside to help the cause.
  8. They acquire information from cultivated informants and contacts and extract it from interrogations.
  9. They recover stolen supplies or valuables from bandit camps and enemy compounds, either tracking and leading a more significant Green Company force to the engagement or dispatching them stealthily.
  10. They assist the city watch and local magistrates in investigating crimes and murder contracts aimed at community leaders.
  11. They use skillful deceit, verbal manipulation, and discreetly leaving manufactured evidence inside the enemy perimeter to convey false information and rumors to impact their opponents’ morale and effectiveness.

Scout Mentorship Categories

  1. Tracking, stalking, and camouflage techniques for covert trailing and intelligence gathering without being detected in both wilderness and urban settings.
  2. Survivalist skills include camp selection and creation, foraging for sustenance, and other methods for operating self-sufficiently in the wilderness.
  3. Rogue arts of deception, disguise, picking locks, spotting traps, concealing items, escape, and evasion behind enemy lines.
  4. Combat marksmanship with short bows, crossbows, and throwing weapons practice to neutralize sentries guarding camp parameters, or ambushing opponents quietly. Various Spell lore, melee combat, and animal taming fall into this category.
  5. Tradecraft for covert communications, whether via secret symbols, hidden dead drops, training messenger birds, or reading hidden trail sign markers.
  6. Mastering terrain analysis, cartography, land navigation, meteorology, and other scientific methodologies are vital to traversing the unfamiliar wilderness.
  7. Interrogation, psychological manipulation, and intelligence extraction from prisoners of war, turncoat informants, or detainees offering secrets.
  8. General field medicine, combat trauma aid, herbalism, alchemy, magical rituals, and other restorative techniques to keep covert teams healthy when operating independently for lengthy periods behind enemy lines with no clerical support.

Scout Ranks

Scout Commander

Scout Commanders command the intelligence apparatus of the Green Company, managing covert activities that extend far beyond the front lines manned by knights in disciplined formations. They collaborate closely with knightly leadership to explain overall campaign priorities before strategizing high-impact sabotage and reconnaissance objectives for specialized scout troops to achieve through stealth and clever statecraft.

Scout Commanders, who report solely to the grand master, examine precise landscape maps and forecasts from ranger-led excursions to exploit terrain advantages and opponent weaknesses. Commanders receive scribbled notes and whispers that communicate clandestine acts, directing massive military efforts to take advantage of the situation on behalf of the order.

They manage a complicated network of rural informants, infiltrator agents, and secret messenger birds that flow deeply into contested territory. Payment and protection purchase loose lips even in cruelly controlled strongholds. Scout Commanders analyze their captain’s field reports and decide whether intelligence should be prioritized for the grand master’s ear or the grand chaplain’s approval. Not all secrets discovered in the dark need be exposed to the light.

Requirement to promote to scout commander

Special: A written treatise on a mentorship category listing

Professional Leadership: 32

Mentorship: 32

Commendations: 128

Scout Captain

Scout Captains lead specialized teams on dangerous missions to enter enemy territory and inflict decisive damage on adversary assets and infrastructure. Captains work freely once beyond the line, employing outstanding reconnaissance ability combined with tactical intelligence to achieve vital attacks against opponent vulnerabilities.

Captains report directly to the scout commander and get priority intelligence reports before strategizing surgical missions to derail and delay enemy activities as effectively as possible through covert strikes. Key supply centers, commander tents, stables, siege weapons, and mystical wards are all appealing targets for these elite agents of destruction. Some detainees may be seized alive for interrogation and transported back to allied holdings for questioning. Most foes will only notice something wrong long after the captain’s team has disappeared from the scene.

They set an example by mentoring select veterans prepared to join the elite echelons of covert professionals who strike and disappear wraith-like through unfamiliar terrain. The learning curve is harsh, merciless, and frequently lethal - yet those who survive often develop abilities that most observers would consider amazing. Scout Captains, above all, understand that determining the course of campaigns relies not just on heroism but also on cunning, preparation, and strategic strikes upon vulnerabilities.

Requirements to promote to scout captain

Special: A written treatise on an a mentorship category listing

Professional Leadership: 16

Mentorship: 16

Commendations: 64

Senior Scout

Senior Scouts are hardened veterans who have weathered years of hazardous duty and secret missions far outside the order’s martial reach, leading specialized squads against crucial goals through outstanding scouting prowess and tactical savvy. They report directly to scout captains to connect covert missions with larger strategic aims set by knightly leadership.

Most infiltration assignments need compact squads moving covertly through disputed terrain towards secret enemy assets, which senior scouts plan and lead. These elite infiltrators are constantly fighting and vanishing like ghosts amidst clueless throngs, sabotaging army supplies, poisoning water, capturing high-value detainees, removing commander-level officials, and spreading disinformation.

They mentor talented junior scouts destined to join their elite ranks, passing on wisdom and tradecraft honed over decades of unnoticed struggle. Seniors carefully train and evaluate proper scouting on mission and while garrisoned, creating lethal skills that can be modified fluidly when inevitable contact jeopardizes stealth and fight or flight must take place. Though many apprentices tragically perish in this trial by fire, those who survive are stronger for the dangers they face as comrades.

The order’s most critical intelligence provides tremendous power against enemy plans under their expert leadership. Seniors are sent first by wise knightly commanders before chivalry joins the field.

Requirement to promote to senior scout

Special: A written treatise on an a mentorship category listing

Professional Leadership: 8

Mentorship: 8

Commendations: 32


Scouts are field agents who can dependably track, guide, and act independently across dangerous borders outside the order’s immediate reach. These self-sufficient professionals, who report directly to senior scouts, use battle-tested abilities combined with outdoorsmanship to fulfill reconnaissance objectives in the field with tenacity and daring initiative.

Scouts effectively guide patrols of knights and infantry through isolated environments, avoiding impediments that would delay their conventional forces indefinitely. They hunt for wild game and forage and identify edible plants and herbs for sophisticated concoctions useful to campsites, garrison mess halls, and infirmaries alike. Scouts also acquire rural intelligence from faraway villages that would otherwise be isolated and unheard, providing command with accurate information for further strategy deliberations.

Those intended for the profession’s highest echelons are periodically assigned to assist various knight captain operations, obtaining firsthand knowledge of company-level strategies. However, most simply develop their skills through solitary deployments into the wilderness in search of smugglers, spying on military movements, recovering stolen goods, or persecuting threats in locations unsuited to cavalry or regular infantry. However, the hazards of working alone against things such as bandits and monsters are high; ingenuity and preparation tip the balance in favor of a seasoned Scout.

Scouts become vital experts, bolstering the order’s eyes, ears, and covert capability across an ever-shifting frontier through direct skill fostered by facing the wilds. They accept lives that demand constant vigilance and thankless conflict in dangerous areas where normal folk fear to venture.

Requirement to promote to scout

Professional Leadership: 0

Mentorship: 0

Commendations: 16


Rangers are a more advanced category of specialized field agents for the Green Company, having demonstrated basic competency in scoutcraft. These tactical professionals, who work closely with senior command, combine fighting prowess with outdoor knowledge to achieve objectives through bold initiative and unconventional tactics.

Rangers scout ahead of marching war bands, scanning terrain to avoid risks and obstacles that impede armored forces and supply trains. They are frequently light and lethal bowmen, harassing the flanks of hulking opponents and plinking officers while masked in the brush beyond reprisal range. Thanks to astute rangers who secured camps secretly, lances marching from the rear will find clear streams and abundant game awaiting the cooking fires. Cryptic trail markings are sometimes intentionally left exposed, directing following trackers into secret ambushes.

Those suited for command are paired with veteran ranger mentors to enhance their prowess through mentorship. Joint patrols create camaraderie and seasoned experience, pushing skills in ways that training yards alone cannot. Winters roaming through frozen mountain passages in search of marauding creatures to eliminate is common during initiation. Some fail to survive these early lessons, leaving only the brave and resourceful few to live on.

For those returning stalwarts, blooded blades and implanted instincts await new commands, propelling them deeper into their roles. Ranger deployment provides a decisive edge on the field, even if they are not considered veterans.

Requirements to promote to a ranger

Professional Leadership: 0

Mentorship: 0

Commendations: 8


Foresters are the Green Company scout’s most junior recruits, eager to learn the wilderness abilities that allow seasoned veterans to thrive outside civilized boundaries. When sent to field service, these prospects first study tracking, orienteering, herbalism, and other core skills required to survive and operate self-sufficiently under the guidance of a senior mentor.

Through intensive lessons, days are spent mastering woodcraft in the forests near the order’s fortress. Novices check snare lines for game and pick wild edibles and medicinal herbs while internalizing nature’s cycles. Repetition leads to mastery in setting up campsites and building makeshift shelters and fire pits. Foresters practice with familiar weaponry or beast companions daily, gaining consistent combat ability as skirmishers or stealthy fighters.

Back at the barracks, they continue to hone the tactical skills needed for reconnaissance missions: terrain navigation and mapping. The role requires stalking, concealment, and intelligence gathering. Ruses, disguises, and verbal questioning techniques are all used. The advanced curriculum combines hard science, espionage, and survival training to present a master curriculum of stealth craft.

As their skills develop, the scout commander assigns promising woodsmen to the service of a seasoned ranger to learn even more advanced fieldwork. Others will continue to train hard until their abilities are confirmed dependable enough for independent clandestine operations in the field.