The master of the order is the second in command, frequently in charge of day-to-day operations such as recruitment, organizing overall training activity, administration, and will often work in conjunction with the grand herald when negotiations and diplomacy are in order. The master will also council the grand master on what forces and personnel should be put to task regarding incoming assignments. If they agree the master will then approach the appropriate officers to brief them on the assignment, so that they might further develop a plan of execution on their own and see it done.

Order members rising to this position may be from any of the martial sub factions of the Silver Serpent structure, excluding the artisans. The position is by appointment of the current grand master, and it is held until they deem it necessary to bestow upon another, death, or retirement. Out of character, the master is responsible for receiving event outlines for in-game, and Discord events, record keeping and tallying commissions, leadership points, and artisan purchases.