The Magisters are the Green Company’s elite mystical arts practitioners. Magisters are extensively knowledgeable in the esoteric schools of one or more disciplines, such as magery, mysticism, necromancy, and spellweaving, having undergone rigorous scholarly study from an early age. They contribute their fantastical abilities to field operations by supplying supported units with a dazzling array of offensive magic, protective wards, tactical enhancements, and restorative healing.

The Magister cadre maintains a structured hierarchy and division of duties. Senior magisters oversee administrative matters and conduct magical research and instruction from their headquarters in the New Magincia chapterhouse. They counsel knightly commanders on incorporating magic into battle tactics, while mid-level and junior magisters accompany their lances and units in the field to overwhelm foes with devastating spells. Apprentices and Journeymen hone their skills under strict mentorship, hoping to achieve full magister status and provide their full talents to the order one day.

All Magisters live by the sacred values of intelligence, mental discipline, and loyalty. They constantly increase mystical knowledge through long study hours when time permits and display their battle-tested skill against threats to the order’s interests across Britannia and beyond. Their command of supernatural forces makes them essential assets on the battlefield and recognized consultants in the Green Company’s vast global network of operations.

Magister Professional Leadership Roleplay Scenarios

  1. Magisters collect reagents from the forests and fields surrounding New Magincia and beyond to replenish the components required for manufacturing formidable spell formulae.
  2. Aspiring apprentices routinely petition senior magisters to witness demonstrations of new spell manifestations to advance, hoping to demonstrate their mental aptitude and mystical potential.
  3. Battle Magisters brief the grand master’s war council on incorporating destructive sorcery into the order’s following campaign plans.
  4. Junior initiates aid the peasantry by using magic to protect crops from blight and vermin and safeguard livestock from disease and predators threatening outlying rural villages.
  5. Senior Magisters teach squires in the barracks how to avoid debilitating hexes using basic battle magics or training wands.
  6. Aspiring apprentices scour the Magister archives for lost arcane knowledge and wisdom authored by renowned order casters.
  7. Senior magisters gather with city officials to discuss reports of cursed beings or artifacts in the New Magincia area and develop plans of action to deal with them.
  8. Magisters update their grimoires with new incantations proven helpful in past field operations, which often comprise minor tweaks to their function and add personal touches to craft that has existed for thousands of years.
  9. Journeymen enchanters help local and order artisans by imbuing architectural fortifications with the ability to govern conditions within critical infrastructure.
  10. During regional festivals, veteran casters perform spectacular illusion magic that captivates rural folk.
  11. in collaboration with chaplain leadership, senior magisters advise the grand master on grave supernatural threats. Chaplains are typically more concerned with spiritual consequences and social impact when counseling on such issues, while magisters tend toward strategically repelling the danger. However, collaboration between the two organizations would blend perspectives for the order.

Magister Mentorship Categories

  1. Magical Theory - Senior magisters teach students the fundamental concepts of magic, explaining mystical energy taps, shapes, components, schools of magic, and the underlying Universal rules that enable supernatural effects.
  2. Spellcasting Fundamentals - Experienced casters intensively instruct initiates in proper verbalization, physical gesture training, mental focus, and meditation techniques required for working magics safely and successfully.
  3. Enchanting Applications - Masters show how to impart magical properties into weapons, clothing, jewelry, wands, and other equipment that enhance allies. If the instructor is unfamiliar with imbuing, they are excused from this category and may substitute another course of study.
  4. Counterspell Tactics - Adepts teach apprentices how to critically analyze hostile magics to detect vulnerable elements during ongoing casting and when to use interruptive countermeasures.
  5. Magical Reagent Use - Elders provide a classroom lecture or lead field expeditions to find and responsibly gather spell components into the local wilderness. The periods of instruction will also include the properties and usage of the components.
  6. Arcane Research Fundamentals - Savants guide developing magisters through effective magical experiment procedures, esoteric correspondences, peer review, and grimoire compilation protocols.
  7. Mystical Wards - Masters teach apprentices how to apply numerous seals for security and protection, such as geometric patterns, runes, esoteric symbols, and repeating recitations.
  8. Spell Formula Optimization - Professors urge students to creatively adapt established sorceries by adjusting variables such as gestures, reagents, signature flair during physical manifestation, and invocations to maximize spell effects.

Magister Ranks

Magister Commander

As one of the grand master’s top advisors and a high council member, the magister commander reigns supreme within the arcane hierarchy, offering insight into realms of magic and existence beyond mortal knowledge. This interdimensional sage has delved more profoundly than any before into the cosmic mysteries underpinning the universe, from interpreting long-lost languages explaining creation itself to navigating the treacherous astral sea of dreams and visions. Such proficiency displays itself partly through awe-inspiring magical prowess but, more importantly, through a deeper understanding of manipulating forces that form reality and the streams of destiny.

In the material world, the magister commander oversees the ongoing evolution of the magister corps, delegating duties to captains and granting audiences to senior magisters seeking strategic advice or approvals for obscure rituals or covert pacts that could significantly alter events. They also actively watch the progress of apprentices displaying unusual abilities or defects to provide further mentoring or disciplinary action before anomalies erupt uncontrollably.

Such enormous influence over magic and its reality-altering power over the material world necessitates the knowledge and restraint granted only to those who have been thoroughly tested, possess a virtuous soul, and are capable of sound wisdom to perceive boundaries that should not be crossed. So, the magister commander stands, beholden to oaths sworn and promises made to preserve the realm, the order, and the city of New Magincia.

Magister Commander Promotion Requirements

Special: A written treatise on a mentorship category listing

Professional Leadership: 32

Mentorship: 32

Commendations: 128

Magister Captain

The prestigious rank of magister captain is near the pinnacle of the arcane prowess of the Green Company’s magical practitioners. Few magisters in history have amassed the supernatural potency, strategic genius, and influential leadership ability required to aspire to the post of magister captain. These mages serve as the magister commander’s right hand, wielding arcane forces alongside the knight commanders directing conventional troops in battle. Captains must display unrivaled proficiency in leading fellow magisters on the battlefield while expanding the craft’s limits at home through relentless research and movement toward development and innovation.

Magister captains embed inside the top echelons of large-scale maneuvers, advising commanders on opportune timing and ingenious synergy, merging raw steel with spell-born fury for maximum devastation of enemy positions when operating abroad. They also communicate observations of magical phenomena for the command’s research and intelligence repositories, which may foreshadow rising threats on the horizon that senior leaders must be aware of. At home, they manage the magister cadre’s critical infrastructure, such as securing spell component stores or enchantments that lower their usage, supervising the training and advancement of younger members, and receiving daily intelligence briefings on local events and operations.

However, the captain’s actual seat of authority is within the Vault Arcanum, the official library of the magister cadre, which houses the High Codex Arcana and other potent magical artifacts compiled and kept safe through centuries of magical research. High-ranking officers, including the magister commander, frequently gather there with other prominent practitioners of the order to shape policy and guidance on how the company’s arcane arts are ethically researched and applied in fulfillment of the grand master’s broad vision for protecting Britannia from threats both within and without.

Magister Captain Promotion Requirements

Special: A written treatise on a mentorship category listing

Professional Leadership: 16

Mentorship: 16

Commendations: 64

Senior Magister

Senior magisters are revered arcane savants who have spent decades learning the magical arts and the practical difficulties of coordinating mystical activities throughout a global militant order. Their extraordinary abilities and leadership qualities in leading lower-ranking magisters win them direct advising positions within the magister commander’s inner circle, where they can influence strategic policies. While capable of crushing adversaries with battle magic, most prefer to pass on hard-won expertise by advising knightly commanders on the best way to integrate magic on the battlefield, saving lives and valuable assets.

Seniors supervise essential infrastructure such as the nexus of portal runes permitting rapid deployment, the arcane-fueled forge imbuing weapons with magic, and other such activities when they are not advising or serving with knightly retinues or line units as support. They may also coordinate research initiatives to explore new realms of magic, which the attending magister captains oversee. Such efforts necessitate rigorous research and testing, sending potential magisters on dangerous missions to recover lost incantations and components or deal with extraplanar beings to form agreements in service to the order’s goals.

Ascension to magister captain and even magister commander is the pinnacle of aspiration for a few exceptional senior magisters. Many eye such titles and know they come with a seat on the command council, significant responsibilities guiding the magister corps’ vision, and the grave duty to represent magic’s deadly potential and boundaries.

Senior Magister Promotion Requirements

Special: A written treatise on a mentorship category listing

Professional Leadership: 8

Mentorship: 8

Commendations: 32


Achieving full magister status signifies the pinnacle of mystical expertise, granting the privilege to stand as combat-ready magical practitioners dispatched on crucial operations across Britannia by the grand master’s strategic visions. Each represents nearly a decade of complex, arcane study under exacting teachers, straining mind, body, and will to the extremes of endurance in quest of magical power handled responsibly in the service of the order. Magisters combine scholarly intelligence with steely discipline to unleash devastating magic against the Green Company’s opponents, having been extensively field-tested through years of active apprenticeship.

Even though they are no longer bound as apprentices, newly-frocked magisters continue to receive specialized mentorship from seniors when time allows. They deploy alongside articulated army formations and specialized units that benefit immensely from integrated offensive magic once adequately orientated. Magisters embody the order’s “force multiplier” concept, which uses arcane arts for tactical dominance, whether paralyzing opponents’ formations for cavalry to trample or nullifying defenses for infantry to breach.

While initially aimed toward martial application, all magisters must contribute to esoteric knowledge by exploring advancements in their fields of competence. They return to the chapterhouse between missions, where they can study, experiment, and document discoveries. Participating in this collective wisdom improves the order and its practitioners for future generations and propels the most gifted magisters to top-echelon positions that shape their destinies.

Magisters take on apprentices to mentor shortly after being promoted to full status, just as seasoned practitioners originally trained them. As a grave obligation and honor for mid-career mages eager to disseminate hard-earned spell craft proficiency within the order, they strive to guide the next generation through their formative years of arcane journey.

Magister Promotion Requirements

Professional Leadership: 0

Mentorship: 0

Commendations: 16

Senior Apprentice

Having built a solid magical foundation during their formative years, senior apprentices stand ready to substantially contribute magical support directly in the field alongside the order’s frontline forces. Despite being associated with their longtime mentor, these mages have significantly greater independence and responsibilities commensurate with their increased abilities. Because of the fast pace of campaigning, senior apprentices must think quickly, draw from their spell repertoires, and support high-intensity missions without hesitation.

Senior apprentices may join knight companies on patrols, work with siege engineers on base fortifications to coordinate barrier emplacements, or refresh combat magisters weary after launching offensive destructive spells against ruthless adversaries. Off the battlefield, developing greater rapport within the larger order hierarchy cultivates vital relationships and sets the basis for future leadership as full-fledged magisters. Thus, they often support brethren during off-duty socialization, independent adventuring, and official duties as an attachment to patrols and special assignments.

Near the end of their apprenticeship stage, senior apprentices are subjected to a rigorous examination by a panel of officers consisting of the magister commander, magister captains, and senior magisters in residence. There, they will display mastery over all fundamental components of the magical craft and be assessed on how they maintain their professional poise under pressure. Worthy Mages acquired the coveted title of magister shortly after.

Senior Apprentice Promotion Requirements

Professional Leadership: 0

Mentorship: 0

Commendations: 8


Apprentices are the most junior initiates recruited into the Magister corps, often around adolescence, for demonstrating strong intellectual aptitude and intuitive, mystical attunement. An apprentice’s formative years are defined by intensive one-on-one supervision, bonded to a seasoned magister master tasked with fostering their burgeoning talents under isolated sanctum study. Apprentices learn magical theory, meditative focus, and grimoire documentation through repetitive magical instruction while assisting with lesser responsibilities.

Once fully educated in the fundamentals of spellcasting, apprentices may leave the protection of the chapterhouse and join their masters in the field on lower-risk tasks. These expeditions provide vital practice in applying magic in real-world situations under the watchful eye of their mentor. Apprentices learn to use magic amid chaos, to reinforce friendly forces with modest incantations, and to prevent grave errors that could endanger themselves and their friends. They may also go on diplomatic missions to adjacent rural communities and fiefs surrounding New Magincia, offering simple utility enchantments to gain favor for the order.

Apprentices are driven to impress senior Magisters and prove themselves worthy of promotion to senior apprentice by demonstrating their ever-increasing grasp of the arcane. This advancement demonstrates their readiness for additional duties and autonomy as they work toward full magister status and the ability to take on their own committed pupil.