As spiritual custodians of the Green Company, chaplains fulfill military and moral goals among the ranks. They reinforce their forces against the darkness while marching into battle, repairing wounds, curing diseases, and dispelling evil spirits so that their comrades might fight on. The chaplains protect their brethren from harm through powerful magic and noble sacrifice.

The chaplain’s counsel is just as important when at peace or war. Their regular invocations reinforce the sacred ideals of the eight virtues that all members promised to defend, the most important of which are compassion, courage, justice, and temperance. They protect the spirits of their charges during times of turmoil by ministering to the brotherhood and the people of New Magincia through prayer, counsel, and moral example.

Whether lifting steel in battle or voices in devotion, the Green Company finds strength in its chaplains. These stalwart spiritualists remind the order that genuine and permanent victory comes from martial force and the retention of one’s higher values against the never-ending tides of conflict. The road ahead may be dark, but faith and friendship will light the way. The chaplains will do the same.

Chaplain Professional Leadership Roleplay Aspects

When designing events based on chaplain interests and role identification, the following list provides a general guide for prospective roleplay:

  1. The chaplains conduct regular religious services, offer spiritual guidance to the order and the residents of New Magincia, and train junior chaplains and priestly supplicants in the order’s spiritual practices.
  2. They travel to remote shrines and sacred sites throughout the realm to pay their respects and obtain holy relics.
  3. During large-scale campaigns, chaplains and attendants quickly construct field triage centers to heal injured soldiers and citizens with restorative magic and medicinal talents.
  4. Following battles, the chaplains conduct grave burials and funeral ceremonies for any slain Green Company colleagues or civilians.
  5. While stationed in New Magincia, the chaplains administer the infirmary, providing medical care to injured or sick members.
  6. Chaplains keep sacred relics, consecrated materials, and ritual components for important magical rites and observances safe within sealed vaults below the holding.
  7. Some chaplains secure medicinal potions, salves, unguents, bandages, and other sickness treatments in partnership with the order’s alchemists.
  8. When supernatural threats develop, the chaplains look into wicked phenomena, demonic activities, dark curses, disease outbreaks, and undead manifestations.
  9. The chaplains march alongside knightly forays and provide their fellows with magical healing, blessings, temporary protection, and combat support.
  10. The chaplains often dispatch attendants into the countryside to bless and assist isolated border settlements that may lack regular spiritualists.
  11. Senior chaplains are responsible for the spiritual well-being of the Grand Master and the leadership staff of the order.

Chaplain Mentorship Categories

  1. Theology - Studying ancient codices to interpret and teach the Eight Virtues for improving moral character through decisions and deeds.
  2. Support Spellcasting - Learning restorative battle magics to heal grievous wounds, cure ailments, grant blessings, and revive fallen brethren injured in combat.
  3. Ethics - Instruction in the chivalric tenets and virtuous conduct when engaging allies, local populations, prisoners of war, and honorable enemies.
  4. Rites - Knowledge of solemn rituals, including funerary rights, holy day observances, mass consecrations, and battlefield sacraments.
  5. Medicine - Mastery of medical techniques, herbal cures, alchemical balms, and anatomical knowledge to address injuries, infections, childbirth complications, and other health issues.
  6. Offensive Training - Spell, weapon, or creature mastery to improve survivability in the field while providing support such as healing, wards, or control spells when deployed with the martial lances.
  7. Banishing - Exorcising possessors, lifting curses, sanctifying desecrated grounds, and properly containing or destroying accursed artifacts.
  8. Counseling - Employing empathy, active listening, and advice to provide spiritual guidance for members struggling with grief, fury, doubt, pain, or crisis of faith.

Chaplain Ranks

Grand Chaplain

The grand chaplain is the order’s highest-ranked cleric, the grand master’s primary spiritual advisor, and manages all chaplains throughout the chapter house. When the grand master goes into battle, the grand chaplain is often part of the inner circle. The title is granted to venerable chaplains of considerable tenure, experience, and renown within the order, and it lasts until retirement, resignation, or death.

When not on campaign, the grand chaplain receives regular reports from chaplain commanders on a variety of topics, including dealing with supernatural threats, providing combat healing and support to major operations, directing religious services and outreach programs, and organizing emergency response, such as establishing triage stations when the city is in danger. In addition, the grand chaplain ensures that every new member receives proper initiation and assimilation, overseeing orientation and comprehension of tasks directly and through subordinates.

With so many chaplains split thin into diverse roles, the grand chaplain bears a heavy burden in maintaining healthy spiritual practice and morale. Advising the grand master and his command staff on moral and theological matters provides critical perspectives when directions appear unclear. Furthermore, serving as a role model motivates the flock to righteousness via diligent work and honorable disposition. Despite infrequent sermons from the pulpit, the entire order turns to its grand chaplain for wisdom and guidance on the road of righteousness.

Grand Chaplain Promotion Requirements

Special: A written treatise on a mentorship category listing

Professional Leadership: 32

Mentorship: 32

Commendations: 128

Master Chaplain

When dangerous supernatural threats emerge, the master chaplains lead groups of subordinate spiritualists to confront them. They also accompany large military operations, directing the establishment of triage and serving as support when attached to the command lance of a knight commander. In the hierarchy, master chaplains report directly to the grand chaplain when in garrison.

When not dealing with immediate threats, the master chaplains perform crucial functions in the fortress halls. They administer religious services, attend to members’ spiritual needs, and oversee medical facilities caring for injured or ill warriors and civilians. In addition, the master chaplain prepares priestly acolytes and newly ordained chaplains for increased responsibility by training them in sacred rituals, martial prowess, and community service.

Master chaplains may lead wilderness pilgrimages seeking holy visions, lay offerings at old shrines, and sanctify combat sites where brethren fell. Before the conflict, their battle prayers prepare the body and soul for the impending conflict. The master chaplains lead by example, modeling courage and perseverance equally, motivating their juniors to righteousness, duty, and bravery. When a crisis arises, these seasoned few are always ready to lead the path of light against shadow.

Master Chaplain Promotion Requirements

Special: A written treatise on a mentorship category listing

Professional Leadership: 16

Mentorship: 16

Commendations: 64

Senior Chaplain

Senior chaplains are frequently in command of a group of junior chaplains. They are primarily entrusted with investigating supernatural threats, supervising medical facilities and triage stations during times of conflict, ministering to order members and citizens in New Magincia, and providing direct training to subordinate chaplains. When attached to knightly forays on a campaign, they frequently serve as the chaplain inside a senior knight’s command lance, giving support through wards and healing. Master chaplains direct their activities when garrisoned. They are the lowest-ranking officers within the chaplain structure, and most begin to increase their focus on leadership abilities while attending to their duties.

Senior Chaplain Promotion Requirements

Special: A written treatise on a mentorship category listing

Professional Leadership: 8

Mentorship: 8

Commendations: 32


The Green Company chaplains function as both martial priests and spiritual stewards. When campaigns erupt and war horns blare, these people of faith take up sacred symbols and join their brothers on the battlefield. The Chaplains use divine wards and restorative magics to protect against darkness, heal wounds, cure maladies, and weaken evil forces so others can battle. Chaplains protect their companions from harm via courageous faith, magical might, and unselfish service.

Between conflicts, the same chaplains minister to the community through sacred works within and without the fortress halls. They provide religious rites, guide new initiates’ spiritual growth, and care for the sick at medical institutions. The chaplains, aided by adepts and priestly supplicants, also journey into the land beyond the city, providing relief, prayer, and consolation to smaller settlements besieged by bandits and creatures. Wherever spiritual assistance is required, these intrepid priests serve their order and the people of New Magincia with calm, courage, and conviction.

Chaplain Promotion Requirements

Professional Leadership: 0

Mentorship: 0

Commendations: 16


Acolytes are apprentice priests who assist full chaplains after having first-hand experience in the field. When not on campaign, acolytes study faith and martial magic under the direct supervision of their commanding chaplain. They help with holy services, pilgrimages to shrines, and healing activities at the fortress infirmary. Acolytes gain spiritual knowledge and practical abilities for the rigors of combat through such practice.

When the order marches, these devotees arm themselves alongside the troops. While chaplains embed with knightly lances, acolytes create field hospitals immediately behind the front lines. They work tirelessly and quickly to mend the flesh and treat various ailments.

These budding spiritualists move closer to vowed service as chaplains through such trials. Acolytes must prove their worth to their superiors by blood, sweat, and prayer before fully joining the fraternity. The journey is arduous, but mastery over mind, body, and soul emerges to protect many fighters from harm in the never-ending battle between light and darkness.

Acolyte Promotion Requirements

Professional Leadership: 0

Mentorship: 0

Commendations: 8


Supplicants are generally raised with the chaplains from a very young age and eventually reach the point in training where they are equipped with the tools they need to perform the basic functions of healing and warding during battle, administering medical aid to the wounded during times of conflict, ministering to the faithful when senior chaplains are unavailable, assisting with community outreach, such as caring for the needy, disabled, the old, and performing maintenance and service within the infirmary, and temple complexes. This is the entry-level rank of the chaplain profession within the order and under the direct command of an acolyte.