Artisans are the experienced craftspeople who keep the Green Company equipped and supplied for operations. Though not martial warriors themselves, their skills in producing weapons, armor, provisions, and other essentials prove invaluable. From master blacksmiths to adept carpenters and even scroll scribes learned in the magical inscription, these tradesmen apply their specialties to enable the order however needed.

In garrison, artisans provide services to members, mending damaged equipment between deployments or imbuing arms with fell magics against certain foes. In exchange, magical items are often brought to select artisans for the extraction of enchanted materials to be extracted for re-use. Members are compensated through discounted goods and preferential purchases, with special orders available as rewards for those whose gallantry earns extra favors.

When armies mobilize, combat engineers, siege crews, and battlefield support fall under the artisan’s command. They cannot fight on the frontline but relay vital equipment to the vanguard, enabling knights and their lances to maintain pressure against rivals. Away from danger, clever artisans still gain honors through creative dedication to craft.

Most critically, artisans run the order’s supply chain, ensuring its operations remain well-equipped. They gather raw materials, process rations, secure and transport potable water, prepare meals, repair and replace damaged arms and armor, procure medical goods, and transport other goods essential to the cause. They are the restless builder-creators operating behind the scenes, seldom seen yet subtly steering outcomes through toil. For no force fights longer than its tools and supplies enable.

Note: For the purposes of roleplay events and meeting the requirements of leadership and commendations, artisans are the only profession that receives two leadership and two commendation rewards from participating in Discord roleplay. This helps compensate for the fact that they will likely not possess the martial skill necessary to survive in-game combat activities that many order members initiate.

Artisan Professional Leadership Roleplay Aspects

Recruitment - Senior artisans and others may seek out exceptional trade workers with proficiency in multiple professions. They may directly sponsor excellent apprentices from journeyman guilds after assessing mastery examinations and submitting works. Senior artisans and above tour regional fairs during recruitment campaigns to find and invite independent craftspeople to assess their capabilities. Some receive short-term contracts. The most proficient contractors outfit campaigns while also instructing apprentices. Those capable of reliably meeting production targets are often offered permanent positions.

  1. Artisan blacksmiths manufacture high-quality weapons and armor for order combatants to rely on in battle. Armorers customize the armor to the wearer’s preferences.
  2. Skilled leather workers and tailors painstakingly recreate the order insignia and symbols that identify Green Company members across Britannia in various accessories, such as uniform tabards.
  3. Alchemists zealously gather plants and ingredients to create curative potions, salves, oils, and other solutions to aid the order’s operations throughout the realm.
  4. Scribes constantly hone their inscription and imbuing skills to make strong spell scrolls and item enchantments that aid the order’s chaplains, magisters, and soldiers in their various tasks.
  5. Brilliant tinkerers, woodcarvers, and metalworkers produce beautiful religious symbols, jewelry, crosses, prayer beads, and medals for prized members to wear over their arms and armor while serving in humility.
  6. Artisans manage the entire order’s supply chain, ensuring that food, water, medical supplies, munitions, and other items are acquired and transported to their proper destinations.
  7. Carpenter and stonemason artisans continually construct new furniture, tools, and building fittings and respond to structural repairs throughout the worn interior of the cliffside fortress that the order calls home.
  8. During lengthy sieges and fights, artillerists and engineers in the ranks feared ballistae, catapults, and trebuchets raining down damage from afar to support the frontline soldiers.
  9. Patient farriers at the artisan livery shoe all cavalry warhorses and expertly modify the order’s famed mounted forces’ saddles, harnesses, bits, and bridles.
  10. Quartermaster Exchanges: As a mark of gratitude and appreciation, veteran members and distinguished heroes in the field are often given preferential rates, commissions, or even free repairs when artisans work on damaged equipment or improve weaponry and armor in between long campaigns. Enemy settlements and lairs housing the forces of evil will often be raided to recover stolen goods, bringing enchanted items back to the artisans for disassembly and reforging of magical items. Artisans also commonly put out the call for material gathering regarding the rarer ingredients necessary to enchant or enhance goods. It is not unheard of for them to do this and reward the participants with an enchanted item of their own.
  11. Wealthy nobles and elite knights with prestige may commission specialty equipment or fulfill one-of-a-kind outfitting requests at occasions such as tournaments and festivals.
  12. The artisan officers are constantly negotiating lucrative deals and agreements with city miners, lumberers, ranchers, and other merchants to acquire premium materials essential to maintaining production pipelines and distributing the collective’s diverse array of finished goods to market.

Artisan Mentorship Categories

  1. Mastering the unique tools, equipment, terminology, and safe working practices relevant to the chosen skill, whether smithing with hammers and anvils or tailoring and alchemy with sewing awls and looms.
  2. Investigating the many grades and qualities of primary materials used in manufacturing, such as woods, ores, textiles, leathers, and arcane reagents, and learning how to inspect, sort, store, and preserve commodities properly.
  3. Understanding the graduated processes that change raw materials into finished objects, beginning with the observation of fundamental procedures and progressing to focused practice before rising to intermediate-level and highly advanced methods when ready.
  4. Developing self-sufficiency and critical thinking abilities to correctly identify workshop difficulties, execute tool maintenance, change plans as situations dictate, and solve problems rather than mindlessly following procedure.
  5. Understanding the critical value of quality, workplace efficiency, accuracy, and timely meeting production deadlines. Speed and volume develop over time as fundamentals become second nature via repetition.
  6. Providing exceptional customer service entails clearly communicating any delays or setbacks, appropriately prioritizing orders based on the requestor, and resolving complaints to maintain the order’s positive reputation.
  7. Maintaining complete integrity and transparency in all documents, transaction logs, price matrices, material/labor costing, and other administrative needs is critical. Detail-oriented clerical work contributes to overall commercial success.
  8. Developing one’s creativity by thoroughly experimenting with new techniques or inspirational approaches and closely studying the works and methods of recognized master craftspeople in each specialization. However, personal style emerges only after fundamentals are mastered.

Artisan Ranks

Artisan Commander

The legendary rank of artisan commander sits atop the order’s collection of craftspeople, tinkerers, laborers, and associated trades who support the Green Company’s material demands. Artisan commanders, who have direct officer status and authority second only to the grand master’s in supply chain management, organize massive projects and resources to equip operations at home and abroad.

These ranking masters administer war machines from headquarters from the bustling tumult of industrial yards, smelters, and millworks. Artisan commanders create detailed construction priorities, resource allotments, and workflow timetables by laboriously assessing demands against production capacity, component needs, and specialist availability. They meet with the knight commanders about strategic stocks of arrows, oil, bandages, and other war consumables required for any significant advance. Industrial objectives slowly align with the order’s broader martial goals thanks to vigilant overwatch and the artisan commander’s advice.

When not engrossed in logistical details, artisan commanders routinely tour the workshops, providing direction where processes are inefficient. Artisan commanders are often fascinated by the latest experimental weapons, machines, or items dreamt up by senior artisans. Proven new concepts are often given approval for standardized assembly when their utility warrants wider implementation. The command appreciates well-timed ideas because they frequently lead to other brilliant refinements beyond the original spark of imagination during project assessments.

Through administrative oversight and hands-on direction, artisan commanders ensure that the soldierly ranks are consistently maintained, armed, and fed. The conduct of war necessitates not just brave souls taking the field but formations held together by the competent support of support staff lacking in glory but abundant in purpose.

Artisan Commander Promotion Requirements

Special: A written treatise on a mentorship category listing

Professional Leadership: 32

Mentorship: 32

Commendations: 48

Artisan Captain

The prestigious title of artisan captain honors crafters who have excelled as masters of their chosen craft due to years of expertise, strict specialization, and high-quality production. Attaining senior rank represents a progressive movement away from individual production and toward managing the artisan staff- assessing the work of junior members and honing procedures through selected passion projects.

Artisan captains now tackle truly monumental feats for the order’s highest echelons, such as sculpting ornate commander armor suits fully tailored to their proportions and combat styles, intricately embroidering order symbols on silken invitation banners destined for foreign nobles, or constructing enchants that awaken weapon’s magical potential. The mundane becomes magnificent through an artisan captain’s compulsive eyes for precision and nuance.

Senior staff must balance complex commissions with constant counsel as they are burdened with increased administrative chores. They assess trainees’ progress by displaying sophisticated procedures too fleeting for standardized instruction. Seniors inspect all materials and working conditions for contaminants that could jeopardize the collective’s quality. They are constantly innovating new methods and tools to improve efficiency and guiding integration across all artisan tasks they have performed for decades.

Artisan Captain Promotional Requirements

Special: A written treatise on a mentorship category listing

Professional Leadership: 16

Mentorship: 16

Commendations: 42

Senior Artisan

After years of specialization through the order’s artisan tiers, crafters who achieve the rank of senior artisan are recognized as masters of their chosen craft. Seniors are now more responsible for guiding other artisans and balancing complex commissions with continual advice and appraisal of apprentices’ progress.

Seniors take on the most ambitious productions of the order, destined for aristocratic peers. They often transcend skill into beauty through their work, such as sculpting magnificent armor suits custom-fitted for elite knights, embroidering luxuriant house emblems on diplomatic banners in gold threads, and enchanting heirloom weapons that sing with an otherworldly force.

Senior artisans oversee quality assurance and efficiency improvements throughout all artisan branches they have overseen for decades. Their breakthroughs improve production methods, materials, and tools, pushing trade mastery standards beyond previous generations. Seniors assess goods and guide apprentices through sophisticated processes when they are not fine-tuning specialty pieces.

Senior Artisan Promotion Requirements

Special: A written treatise on a mentorship category listing

Professional Leadership: 8

Mentorship: 8

Commendations: 36


Achieving the rank of full artisan denotes a crafter has thoroughly mastered all fundamental techniques of their areas of focus after years of progressing through the novice and journeyman tiers. It also signifies that the order member has shown initiative, willingness to work with others, and dedication. Now talented in core weaponsmithing, leatherworking, alchemical processes, or relevant artisan skills, promotion opens broader, more complex assignments.

The rigors of meeting exacting production quotas and quality metrics fall behind as individual specialties develop. An artisan blacksmith may focus certain days only on crafting helm plating or shoeing warhorses rather than attempting every possible metal job. Expert leatherworkers repair intricate uniform detail and decoration instead of patching basic footwear. Alchemists distill rare tinctures needed in minute doses by the healers. Through specialization, efficiency and output improves across the workshops.

Now displaying the rank of artisan upon their livery, announcing skill to all, artisans exemplify the peak of journeymanship rather than the heights of mastery still years ahead. Yet as they lead projects, assist senior crafters, and guide newer aspirants in the methods they once struggled through, the rank signifies a seasoned professional blooming in confidence and credit.

Artisan Promotional Requirements

Professional Leadership: 0

Mentorship: 0

Commendations: 16

Artisan Journeyman

The rank of Journeyman indicates that an artisan beginner has shown sufficient fundamental skill in their craft and can now practice techniques autonomously rather than under direct supervision. Assignments move from routine chores such as maintenance and supervising supply-chain labor to concentrated initiatives designed to broaden expertise throughout the specialty.

Without being obliged to shovel coal indefinitely, journeymen cycle around workshop stations to gain detailed cross-training. They ply leatherworking tools to repair heavy boots, stoke blazing forges to pound new horseshoes, trim lumber, and prepare alchemical ingredients in bulk for the order’s ceaseless undertakings and other tasks. Repletion with modified variations to increase quality and effectiveness encourages independent skill.

However, essential aspects of art are never abandoned for shortcuts. Each failure is a retry to bring precision one step closer to mastery. Once a technique is trustworthy, experienced artisans only entrust a Journeyman with sophisticated materials such as enchanted ores or rare catalysts. The Journeymen’s confidence and control continue to grow due to the gradual increase in responsibility and difficulty.

Artisan Journeyman Promotional Requirements

Professional Leadership: 0

Mentorship: 0

Commendations: 8

Artisan Novice

Novice is the starting point for new recruits looking to join the illustrious ranks of the Green Company artisan corps. Novices enter prepared for rigorous work and demanding instruction, drawn by the promise of obtaining apprenticeship under master crafters, creating legendary weaponry and equipment for the order. Days begin before dawn, with forge fires stoked, tools sharpened, and workstations set up for higher artisans. During the lengthy hours, beginners examine weapons skills, leather stitching, jewelry casting, and other details across all trades. Fundamentals are initially drilled in minute detail - safety handling limbs and blades, exotic material qualities, alchemical bath formulations, and everything underlying future mastery. They often perform as the labor force regarding the supply chain, the mess hall, and maintenance.

Only after months of menial help, safety exercises, and memorizing detailed plans can beginners perform techniques under supervision. The first test could be building trust through the numerous dirty jobs and hazardous processes that feed the orders. When core abilities are sufficiently shown for apprenticeship assignment, advancement to Journeyman craftsperson awaits.

Before that, senior artisans guarantee that rigor converts recruits from inexperienced enthusiasts into hardened artisans worthy of the Green Company’s illustrious reputation. Any newcomer who perseveres despite blistering hands and tiredness will eventually witness more significant dreams forged.

Artisan Post Titles

The artisans are distinguishable from the other order members by their professional group and areas of expertise. This is signified in the form of post titles, depending on what the primary specialty of the crafter happens to be.

Legendary: (120) Artisans with a 120 primary skill above all others will receive Legendary (Skill Name) as their post title. The post title would be Legendary Generalist if multiple legendary skills are possessed.

Elder: (110) Artisans with a 110 primary skill above all others will receive Elder (Skill Name) as their post title. The post title would be Elder Generalist if multiple legendary skills are possessed.

Grand Master: (100) Artisans with level 100 primary skills above all others will receive Grand Master (Skill Name) as their post title. If multiple legendary skills are possessed, then the post title would be Grand Master Generalist.

Young artisans who have not yet reached at least 100 in a trade skill will have no post title.