
We want to enjoy all of the content and adventure that Ultima Online offers while creating an engaging roleplay environment that adds depth to UOAlive and Britannia. Our members pour life into fiction and establish ties as comrades-in-arms by adopting iconic personas defined by our lore and its members while combating threats across dungeons and wilderness.

Roleplay develops naturally rather than restricting enjoyment. When one’s character is boasting spectacular accomplishments over ale in bars, roaring a warcry amid battle, discussing intriguing treasures discovered while camping in ruins, or giving tiny gifts to a widowed townfolk NPC created for the scene, the world becomes more than just a mechanical action to gain more loot and resources - such situations can seem profoundly significant to those seeking greater connection. For The Green Company stands guard in New Magincia, ready to ride out and meet any who come in peace, engage all who bring ill intent, and welcome like-minded adventurers looking to enhance their UOAlive experience.

The Road Ahead

Many beautiful possibilities await our order if we remain committed to fellowship through the journey of creativity. Collaborative storytelling in which members contribute to the guild’s lore while forming strong ties with other roleplayers and connecting with individual actors who want to interact but despise the guild’s commitment. Perhaps encouraging the formation of a chaos-themed organization to provide in-character opposition - there are numerous ways to deepen roleplay while enjoying all content on the server.

Most importantly, this culture flourishes by members exhibiting constant personas, allowing interactions with other players to evolve into lore and pursuing goals that propel exciting narrative arcs. Epic stories emerge from the collective energy of many people in such a sandbox, not just one.

We shall work together to carry the torch and seek the increased interest in roleplaying activities on UOAlive. We hope that others follow while our order ventures toward its goals.