Code of Conduct

The Green Company expects all guild members to always respect others & play fairly.

Privacy comes first at The Green Company.

This means you should never ask another guild member for personal information.

If they want you to know, they will tell you.

Roleplaying is highly encouraged & welcomed, but it is not strictly & always required.

We stand by our values at The Green Company & do not tolerate griefing, bullying, profanity, trolling, discrimination, theft or deception.

We ensure our guild life is surrounded by Ultima by never discussing politics, religion, weapons, drugs, alcohol or sexuality.

We agree to always follow the server rules.

Conflict Resolution

Whether in-game, on the UOAlive Discord, or on The Green Company Discord, we represent our organization. We expect all to behave civilly and non-disruptively, which is made infinitely more manageable by removing the toxicity found in other shards. We should attempt resolution and de-escalation privately first, if possible. If you are harassed or the issue is ongoing, then you should use our Incident Escalation process. Please avoid making public scenes when there is a disagreement and be the bigger person.

Incident Escalation

Interpersonal disagreements happen. None of us enjoy the feeling. Please take a screenshot of the incident & send it as a DM to the Grand Master & Master of The Green Company. After we review the supporting evidence, we will assess the severity of the issue and determine a course of action appropriate to the incident. Depending on the magnitude of the incident, discipline could vary from verbal counseling to removal from the guild and access to all of its platforms.

Bottom Line

We aim to provide a rich roleplay atmosphere with immersive qualities, create collaborative stories, and build friendships, camaraderie, and community that will hopefully last for many years. To do that, consistent & fair rules must be put in place and enforced because, unfortunately, without them, there will be individuals who simply cannot maintain a positive presence without being subjected to discipline. We thank you for your understanding.

Uniform of the Day

We respect personal freedoms, even within the structures of a militant order being roleplayed. Therefore, it is strongly encouraged, but not mandatory, that at least one article of green color be worn, especially when participating in an official guild event.