Oath of Loyalty (Paladins and Chaplains)

You have come this day to seek admission into our glorious chapter. As a result, you will be required to take and keep oaths of loyalty and devotion. I shall recite the five questions, and you shall answer your acceptance and acknowledgment with, “Yes, I so swear.” Let us begin.

As protector of the forest: Will you patrol Britannia’s woodlands as an emerald sentinel, protecting nature’s fragile balance from all malevolent threats?

On the tenants of chivalry: Do you promise to preserve the Code of Chivalry, displaying its tenants in war and peace?

On the eight virtues: Will you actively seek truth, love, fairness, honor, humility, honesty, sacrifice, and spirituality to lead your path in the future?

On service to the order: Will you serve The Order of the Silver Serpent, its sub-chapter, The Green Company, and the grand master’s lawful directives until death or discharge?

On protecting New Magincia Will you protect the city of New Magincia, its people, and its environs from threats within and without?

On this day, you are welcomed as you stand amongst our brethren, beholden unto honor, loyalty, and balance!

Oath of Duty (Standing Forces)

You have come this day pledging services to our order’s righteous mission. As a contracted soldier and representative of our authority, you will agree to abide by obligations of obedience and skill for the duration of your commitment and swear to such.

I shall recite the four vows, and you shall answer acceptance with, “Yes, I so swear.” Let us begin.

On using your agency:  Do you agree to utilize your skills in the best interests of The Green Company, The Order of the Silver Serpent, and New Magincia without malice or evil intent?

On obedience: Will you obey lawful commands from senior officials and superiors when embarking on sanctioned operations at home and abroad?

On protecting the innocent: Will you serve the primary cause of safeguarding lawful citizens of Britannia and defending against injustice without bias during your contracted term?

On tenure of service:  Will you remain in The Green Company’s employ, adhering to these principles, until the end of your contracted term or until honorably discharged?

On this day, you are welcomed as you stand amongst allies. Go now with our blessing and serve admirably with honor, loyalty, and balance!